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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend and had a lot of fun with the kids. This was the same Pumpkin Patch we went to last year, so the kids knew what to expect and had more fun. It was so much fun taking pictures in the pumpkins, we even got one of Cayden. Of course he did his favorite things while we were there- sleep, eat, dance.

Cayden is 2 months old

Cayden turned 2 months old on Sunday. At his 2 month checkup he weighed 14 lbs and was 24.5 inches long. He has nearly doubled his birth weight and his doctor is very impressed with how healthy he is. I can't believe how quickly time is going by, you can see all of the wonderful new things that he is learning every day.

I was trying to take a picture similar to one that we have of Taryn. I can't get over how much they look like each other.

Cayden loves to smile!

Daddy finally put batteries in the chair, so he makes the lights come on with his feet.

I am not sure how much longer he is going to fit in this swing. He loves to sit and watch the duckies go round and round.