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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cayden's 4 month pictures

Cayden is growing so fast- at 4 months he weighed 19 lbs and was 26.5 inches long. He now rolls over, sits up with support, sleeps through the night, and tells us "no-no" by shaking his head back and forth. He is such a happy little boy- he fusses when he wants to eat and after he gets fed, he is good to go! He is eating any baby food that you put in his mouth- fruits and vegetables. We haven't found anything that he doesn't like yet.

Off to Little Rock

Just before Christmas we took the kids on a trip to Little Rock to see Kristen, Dave, and Olivia. We enjoyed meeting Olivia for the first time and all of the kids had a good time together. I have to say that it got so cold! Maddi decided that she doesn't like cold very much. We did a lot of fun things like eat purple ice cream, played at the very clean jumpy place (I was impressed!), go to the park (not for too long though!), saw some amazing Christmas lights, and hung out with the Hewitt's.
Thanks to the Hewitt's for letting us invade your home! Can't wait to see you in San Antonio!

Holiday at the Parks

We took the kids to Fiesta Texas and Sea World for their holiday displays. The kids had a blast seeing Santa everywhere they went, they were so happy that they got to tell him everything on their wishlist. Of course the wishlist had something new added to it each time they saw Santa!

Taryn's 5th Birthday

Taryn turned 5 in November and she had her party at the Inflatable Wonderland. It was a bit chaotic trying to keep up with where all of the kids were, but they had fun! Thank you to everyone that came and helped make Taryn's day very special.

Cayden turns 3 months

Here are some pictures of Cayden at 3 months old. It has taken awhile to download some pictures from my camera, so I am playing catch up!!